Anne van Herwijnen

Anne van Herwijnen

I know how important knowledge of hereditary predisposition to cancer can be. This is why I think it is so important that comprehensive patient reports include precisely that carrier information, if the patient wishes to be informed of it.

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Catalog makes Hartwig Medical Database easily searchable 

Catalog makes Hartwig Medical Database easily searchable 


Hartwig Medical Foundation maintains a catalog of the Hartwig Medical Database with whole-genome data on full tumor genomes: The …

Whole genome sequencing to improve individual cancer treatment in Finland

Whole genome sequencing to improve individual cancer treatment in Finland


Since August 2019, Docrates, a private cancer center in Finland, uses the whole genome sequencing test from Hartwig Medical Foundation to …

Whole Genome Sequencing feasible in clinical practice

Whole Genome Sequencing feasible in clinical practice


Interim WIDE analysis gives researchers more confidence in a positive outcome. On 21 September 2020, Dr. Kim Monkhorst, who is a …

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