
Insights into tumor landscapes

To provide more insights into the data contained in the Hartwig database and the differences between tumor types, we have created so-called vignettes. These (automated) figures offer a graphical overview of the molecular characteristics of various tumors. At the bottom of the page, you will find the complete list where the collection can be downloaded.

For example, you can examine the processes that play an important role in the occurrence of DNA errors in different tumor types.

Here are a few examples of processes that cause mutations in three different tumor types. On the left: skin, where UV damage is the primary source of mutations. In the middle: lung, where smoking causes the most harm. On the right: bladder, where damage from APOBEC enzymes (normally an anti viral response that can be deregulated in tumors) is a main contributor.

Download the vignettes

The vignettes were automatically generated from the Hartwig database. A detailed explanation of the included information, cut-offs and the meaning of the figures can be found in the documentation.

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