Carla van Herpen

Carla van Herpen

It is important to unravel the DNA in rare types of cancer; 21% of patients with cancer have a rare form.

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Collaboration between Hartwig and CKB makes both parties stronger 

Collaboration between Hartwig and CKB makes both parties stronger 


Hartwig Medical Foundation has worked with The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) Clinical Knowledgebase (CKB) team since 2020, to the benefit of …

ASCO 2021: Presentations about whole genome sequencing

ASCO 2021: Presentations about whole genome sequencing


At the congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on 4-8 June 2021 researchers Kris Samsom and Luuk …

In the media: Rarity – Personalised cancer treatment – fact not fiction

In the media: Rarity – Personalised cancer treatment – fact not fiction


Imagine a world in which each person’s cancer is treated with a personalised, targeted medical treatment regimen. A world in …

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