Laurens Beerepoot

Laurens Beerepoot

In our profession, we need to know everything about the patient, but we also want to know as much as possible about the patient’s tumor.

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Whole genome sequencing to improve individual cancer treatment in Finland

Whole genome sequencing to improve individual cancer treatment in Finland


Since August 2019, Docrates, a private cancer center in Finland, uses the whole genome sequencing test from Hartwig Medical Foundation to …

Erasmus MC Cancer Institute introduces comprehensive DNA testing for CUP cancer patients in EMBRAZE region

Erasmus MC Cancer Institute introduces comprehensive DNA testing for CUP cancer patients in EMBRAZE region


The Erasmus MC Cancer Institute has started using comprehensive DNA testing for carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) cancer patients in …

Towards a learning healthcare system by broad collaboration

Towards a learning healthcare system by broad collaboration


Developing a new drug is expensive and takes a long time. In addition, there is only a slim chance that …

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